서로 사랑하라 내가 너희를 사랑한 것 같이 너희도 서로 사랑하라 (요한복음 13:34)
Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another
어린이날 (5/5), 어버이날 (5/8), 부부의날 (5/21) ... 이렇게 지정된 날이 아니더라도 세상에서 가장 소중한 가족, 친구, 서로의 존재만으로도 감사하며 감격한 순간들을 기억하면 좋겠습니다.
"고맙습니다. 그리고 사랑합니다 ... 진심으로!"
Nichole Nordeman - Slow Down
The Unmaking (2015) ep
Nichole Nordeman, Chris Stevens
"Slow down Won't you stay here a minute more I know you want to walk through the door ; But it's all too fast Let's make it last a little while I pointed to the sky and now you wanna fly ; I am your biggest fan I hope you know I am But do you think you can somehow Slow down"
◎ 네 자녀에게 부지런히 가르치며 집에 앉았을 때에든지 길을 갈 때에든지 누워 있을 때에든지 일어날 때에든지 이 말씀을 강론할 것이며 (신명기 6:7)
JJ Heller - I Get To Be The One
I Dream Of You (2014)
JJ Heller, David Heller
"Don't feel alone now, Little baby Do you hear me singing you a song ; I can't wait to show you Little baby How to crawl How to walk And how to run ; I get to be the one to hold your hand I get to be the one ; Through birthdays and broken bones I'll be there to watch you grow I get to be the one"
◎ 마땅히 행할 길을 아이에게 가르치라 그리하면 늙어도 그것을 떠나지 아니하리라 (잠언 22:6)
Brandon Heath - Faith Hope Love Repeat
Faith Hope Love Repeat (2017)
Brandon Heath, David Leonard
"I brought you into this world And I'm sorry it's a little bit crazy But I tell you there is so much good Though the future looks a little bit hazy ; But see God, me and Him, have a promise And He'll give us everything that we need So have faith, hope and love Faith, hope, love, repeat"
Dave Barnes - God Gave Me You
What We Want, What We Get. (2010)
Dave Barnes
"On my own I'm only half of what I could be I can't do without you ; We are stitched together and what love has tethered I could never undo ; God gave me you for the ups and downs God gave me you for the days of doubt ; For when I think I've lost my way There are no words here left to say, it's true God gave me you"
◎ 남편들아 아내 사랑하기를 그리스도께서 교회를 사랑하시고 그 교회를 위하여 자신을 주심 같이 하라 (에베소서 5:25)
◎ 너희도 각각 자기의 아내 사랑하기를 자신 같이 하고 아내도 자기 남편을 존경하라 (에베소서 5:33)
Mark Schultz - Before You Call Me Home
Before You Call Me Home (2015) ep
Jeff Pardo, Mark Schultz
"I wanna live a life of love I wanna give myself away I want my kids to think of you When they speak my name ; Always full of hope Always reaching out I wanna cross the finished line And know I made it count ; Before you call me home Before you call me home"
◎ 네 집 안방에 있는 네 아내는 결실한 포도나무 같으며 네 식탁에 둘러 앉은 자식들은 어린 감람나무 같으리로다 (시편 128:3)
◎ 모든 겸손과 온유로 하고 오래 참음으로 사랑 가운데서 서로 용납하고 ; 평안의 매는 줄로 성령이 하나 되게 하신 것을 힘써 지키라 ; 몸이 하나요 성령도 한 분이시니 이와 같이 너희가 부르심의 한 소망 안에서 부르심을 받았느니라 (에베소서 4:2~4)
Sanctus Real - Lead Me
Pieces Of A Real Heart (2010)
Matt Hammitt, Chris Rohman, Jason Ingram
"To lead them with strong hands To stand up when they can't Don't want to leave them hungry for love Chasing dreams that I could give up ; I'll show them I'm willing to fight And give them the best of my life So we can call this out home Lead me, 'cause I can't do this alone"
Newsboys - That Home
Restart (2013)
Eric Arjes, Juan Otero
◎ 자녀들아 주 안에서 너희 부모에게 순종하라 이것이 옳으니라 (에베소서 6:1)
◎ 네 부모를 즐겁게 하며 너를 낳은 어미를 기쁘게 하라 (잠언 23:25)
"In that home We knew we were safe To be young enough to dream Find the faith to believe ; And in that home Love, it had no end It's where we learned to forgive In that home ; When you're home I know you'll be safe Strong enough to see The faith that you believed ; And in that home Life will have no end I know I'll see you again"
사랑을 받는 자녀 같이 너희는 하나님을 본받는 자가 되고 ; 그리스도께서 너희를 사랑하신 것 같이 너희도 사랑 가운데서 행하라 그는 우리를 위하여 자신을 버리사 향기로운 제물과 희생제물로 하나님께 드리셨느니라 (에베소서 5:1~2)
Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children ; and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God